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Mickey Mouse:THC: 3-Timeless

Mickey Mouse:THC: 3-Timeless

IDW Publishing
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Collects an assortment of classic and modern Disney tales, many of them published for the first time in the U.S. by highly regarded creators from around the world. Modern Mouse master Andrea "Casty" Castellan takes center stage for this deluxe edition of IDW's Mickey Mouse #13-21! The Phantom Blot takes over a robot army in "Darkenblot," an awesome science fiction epic; then Eurasia Toft brings Mickey and Goofy one step closer to Atlantis in "Dark Mines of the Phantom Metal"! Danger lurks around every turn and special bonus features for longtime Mickey aficionados fill the back of the book!

Bullet points:
* "These stories are great at showcasing characters we don't see much of in America."-Bleeding Cool
* Advance solicited for January release!