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Dick Tracy::THC: 2 1933-1935

Dick Tracy::THC: 2 1933-1935

Clover Press
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(W/A/CA) Chester Gould It’s all about family in The Complete Dick Tracy Volume 2, as Clover Press and The Library of American Comics bring this early entry into the series’ standardized format. That means larger pages in a book that looks great on the shelf with its companions. Between the covers, the spotlight’s on Junior Tracy as he and his biological father cross paths with the notorious “Stooge” Viller and his sister, Maxine. Then “Big Boy” leaves Junior hospitalized before “Confidence” Dolan locks the boy in the can. Dick Tracy’s subsequent encounter with secret operative J. Scotland Bumpsted puts the evil Larceny Lu on the run to California. There she meets Junior’s long-lost mother, who gives Junior a Scotty pup named Oscar and Tracy a way to bring villainous Boris Arson to justice. Chester Gould’s high-octane stories set pulses raising and hearts beating faster in the reformatted, super-sized, all-action The Complete Dick Tracy Volume 2! 9781951038779