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Dick Tracy:THC: 1 1931-1933

Dick Tracy:THC: 1 1931-1933

Clover Press
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(W/A/CA) Chester Gould Clover Press and The Library of American Comics prove that size does matter as we fulfill fans' long-standing requests to produce new editions of the first six volumes of Chester Gould's The Complete Dick Tracy. This is no simple reprinting – these volumes have been reformatted to be the same larger size as Volumes 7 through 29. In this premiere offering, we return again to those hardscrabble days of 1931, when tragedy in the Trueheart family puts young Dick Tracy on the police force and pits him against mobster “Big Boy,” Larceny Lu, the counterfeiter Alec Penn, the nefarious “Stooge” Viller, and Steve the Tramp! As an added bonus, the first thirty-four Tracy Sunday pages, with stories separate from the daily continuity, have been rescanned to make them sharper and cleaner than their original reprinting. There’s never been a better time than now to get reacquainted with Chester Gould’s crime-busting plainclothesman, with the publication of the new bigger edition of The Complete Dick Tracy Volume 1! 9781951038762