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Before Watchmen:THC: Ozyman/Crimson Corsair

Before Watchmen:THC: Ozyman/Crimson Corsair

DC Comics
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BEFORE WATCHMEN OZYMANDIAS CRIMSON CORSAIR DLX HC (MR) (W) Len Wein, John Higgins (A) Jae Lee & Various (CA) Jae Lee, John Higgins Writer Len Wein and artist Jae Lee delve into the mind of the smartest man in the world: Ozymandias. How does one grow up to become the world's smartest man? Adrian Veidt begins his journey, both spiritual and physical, that will one day make him one of the most pivotal players in the world changing events of WATCHMEN. This volume collects BEFORE WATCHMEN: OZYMANDIAS #1-6, 'Curse of the Crimson Corsair,' and BEFORE WATCHMEN: DOLLAR BILL #1. MAR130263 9781401238957